Wednesday, March 31, 2010

my personal compass...another journaling activity

looking to the south...
where do I feel my creativity being called forth? what do I really long to do or be? how do I nurture myself? what are the hobbies I am passionate about?

(feeding others....physically and spiritually......deeply rooted.....writing....reading.....candid

best quote on page 95...
"We hear in these words (Hebrews 12:1-2) the longing of our own heart to be about the urgent business of God's work here on earth. But if this becomes our single goal, we might fill up our lives with churchly activities and ministries of compassion, striving for the goal only to find that it is no longer Jesus ahead of us but a future of weariness and burnout. When we hear the instructions of the psalmist encouraging us to "take delight in the Lord, / and he will give you the desires of your heart" (Psalm 37:4), we wonder what it might mean to delight in the Lord. We wonder, how can I ask for the desires of my heart if I no longer know what I really want?"

looking to the east...
what light is just beginning to appear on my horizon? What am I being asked to take hold of in a new way? Where am I being called to embrace something? What areas of my life need change or transformation?

(unknown....more education....wisdom....words....need a mentor...need to change my attitude)

"Others might need to let go of perfectionism, outward success, or the need for control."
looking to the west...
what maps no longer work for my life? What (or perhaps who) needs to be released and let go? What beliefs or attitudes or patterns do I need to die to? Where is deep healing needed? What areas in my life need transformation?

(impatience, ungentleness, the need to always be right (and to make sure everyone knows), skepticism)

"When we live for God rather than with God, it is easy for us to move ahead on our own steam only to find ourselves resentful or frustrated, exhausted, or burned out. Living with God means following his lead rather than leading out; it means being in his time rather than our own; it means letting God's love instead of our own effort fuel our actions."
"Living with God means staying close to the Word, keeping up the practice of prayer, and living in the Christian community."
looking to the north...
who is it that deeply loves me and guides me? What are the images or pictures of God that nurture and sustain me? Is there a grace story or salvation story from my life that is central to my understanding of God or brings clarity to my own life? Who are my spiritual guides and deepest friends?

(Luke 24:32....I wish it wouldn't take me so long to answer these ones)

That's all for now. All quotes and journaling exercises came from this book.

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