Sunday, September 29, 2013

To do. Indefinitely. Goals.

1. Don't be so attached to screens. Computers. Phones. TVs. The like. Spend less and less time on social media.
2. Eat homemade as much as possible. Homemade and from scratch. Frozen pizzas* and cake from a box, though made at home, do not count. As homemade or as food, likely.
3. Search local stores first when shopping. 
4. Learn/hone skills in making handcrafted goods.
5. Learn about gardening/composting, etc.
6. Simplify. Less stuff. Priorities.
7. Build community wherever you are. Live and be present wherever God has placed you.
8. Read Scripture daily. Pray continually.
9. Go to bed earlier.
10. Spend at least an hour a day outside.

Essentially I want to be Amish, but keep my iPhone. And dishwasher.

*Unless it's a pizza that you made from scratch and then froze.

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