Saturday, February 23, 2013

A quick break for a Pinterest win

Oh hey.

Just a brief break from your daily Lenten verses to talk about what Steve and I ate for lunch today. Hey. I gave up Instagram (among other things) for Lent, I need an outlet for posting pictures of my lunch.

I found the idea on the bottom of a Pinterest post, and immediately ran to the store for ingredients (ok, I was on my way to the store anyway, when I stumbled upon this idea). It was at the bottom of a post about how to make your own sprouts: a BLT wrap with sprouts and cream cheese and avocado added. Perhaps you may remember when I was pregnant I ate at least two BLTs with avocado a week for awhile there.

Anyway, we made them our own and they were SO GOOD.

Multi-grain Wrap
Onion and Chive Cream Cheese
Sprinkle of pepper

We opted not to tuck in the sides.


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