You know Mom Blogs, they're written by moms, and cover topics such as breast feeding, wholesome cooking, tips for organizing/cleaning your home, and my favorite: "our year trying _______," documenting a family's year of shopping locally/eating whole foods/not buying anything new/fill in the blank.
I am thankful for Mom Blogs, however abundant they are. This is not a Mom Blog.
But Laura, you are a mom who breast feeds, likes to cook from scratch, makes soap, and already has a few blogs. This is just a natural next step, right?
No. I hope not. I really want to be the type of mom who doesn't have time to blog on a regular basis about How To Be A Mom, or The Benefits of Breastmilk, or Five Quick Meals to Make on a Budget. Plus, those topics are already covered in abundance. The world doesn't need another Mom Blog, thank you very much.
I will post from time to time still. Same old random stuff, but not regularly. Because I do like to make stuff and think thoughts, and I do like to reflect on them every once in awhile (Mom or not).
Anyway while I will never be the Mom with the cleanest house or the most high-fructose-corn-syrup-filled snacks (#sorrynotsorry, Lars's future friends), I do like the idea of being the type of Mom/person that makes things from scratch. This is getting to be long.
To wrap it up, I would rather be a mom who spends more than 24 hours making bread and NOT blogging a how-to that will get reposted to Pinterest, than being a Mom that finds a short-cut way to do things so she has time to blog about it.
For now.
Sorry/Not Sorry, dear Blog Reader(s)